Sunday, January 9, 2011

II: Kind Treatment towards Parents

 Birr to the mother

3/3 From Bahz bin Hakeem from his father from his grandfather who said, "I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah who is most deserving of my birr?' He said, 'your mother.' I said, 'who is most deserving of my birr?' He said, 'your mother.' I said, 'who is most deserving of my birr?' He said, 'your mother.' I said, 'who is most deserving of my birr?' He said, 'your father, then your closest relation, then your closest relation.'" Hasan - Irwaa (2232,829)
4/4 From Ibn Abbas, "That a man came to him and said, 'I proposed to a woman and I yearned that she marry me. Then someone else proposed to her and she desired to marry him. Then I seduced her, then killed her, so is there repentance for me?' He said, 'Is your mother alive?' He replied, 'No.' So Ibn Abbas said, 'Repent to Allaah Azza wa Jall and seek to get close to Him as much as you can."
(Ataa bin Yaaser) said, "so I went to Ibn Abbaas and asked him, 'Why did you ask if his Mother was alive?' He said, 'indeed I do not know an action which can get one closer to Allaah then birr to the mother'" Saheeh - as-Saheehah (2799)

By Imaam Bukhari
Extracts from 'Saheeh al-Adab al-Mufrad' of Imaam Bukhaaree, checked by al-Albaanee.

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