Monday, February 20, 2012

Cheating in exams

Eleventh question of Fatwa no. 6290

Q 11: Some Muslim youth study hard but they forget what they study. They are not lazy; rather, they exert every effort to revise their lessons before the exams but it is as if they had done nothing. Some other students do very little revision but they receive one hundred percent better than those who revise and work very hard but finally do not comprehend anything. Moreover, while doing the exam, they do not recall what they have studied but their friends can tell them about the correct answers and without such help they will definitely fail. is this help that two friends can exchange regarding answering exam questions considered a form of cheating? The Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Whoever deceives us is not of us 'is not my follower'. Please clarify this point for us. May Allah reward you with the best.

A: What you have mentioned in the question is considered cheating and this is Haram (prohibited) based on the Hadith which is mentioned in the question. This form of cheating is also Haram for it is a danger to education as it decreases its level and spreads anarchy in its process. Moreover, cheating affects the society in a negative way when the students who have done it start to work and are in charge of undertaking the responsibility of achieving the interests of the Ummah (nation). Besides this and other things, this form of cheating is included in the generality of the Hadith mentioned above: Whoever deceives us is not of us 'is not my follower'. Wise Muslims should consider the public interest and give it priority over that which is private and partial. In other words, even though cheating seems to lead to a partial interest; it is in fact a harm that afflicts whoever passes the exam by means of cheating, and others who will be in charge of running the affairs of the Ummah.

(Part No. 12; Page No. 202)

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committ


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Should Our Muslim Girls Dress?

Q. Some people have made it their habit to dress their daughters in short, tight clothing that describes the body, whether they be young or old. I hope that you can guide and advise such people.
A.It is obligatory upon a person to observe his responsibility. It is upon him to fear Allah and prevent all those who have control over his girls from dressing them in such clothing. For it has been authenticated from the Prophet (SallAllahu ʿalayhi wa allam), that he said:
Two types from the inhabitants of the hellfire i have not yet seen…..”Then he mentioned:“…clothed women but yet naked,alluring in their walk and in their heads like the leaning humps of camels. They will not enter paradise or smell it’s scent…”
These women who wear short skirts are clothed because they are wearing clothing, but they are naked due to the fact that their private zone is revealed. For the entire body of a woman is her private zone, regarding to viewing by non-mahrams, including her face hands and feet. Similarily, naked is the woman who wears tight clothing, for she appears to be clothed but in reality she is naked, because the detailed description of the body through tight clothing is nakedness. It is upon a woman to fear Allah and not reveal her beauties. She should not go to the markets except wearing clothes that do not turn heads and she should not be perfumed so as not to attract men in which case it would be feared that she is an adulterous woman. It is upon a muslim woman not to leave her house except for a needy requirement. If she does leave it she should not be perfumed, beautified or walk in a lewd fashion. Let it be known that the Prophet (sall Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said:
” I have not left behind me a trial more harmful to men than women.”
The trial of women is immense and virtually no one is safe from it. It is upon our nation of muslims not to follow the paths of the enemies of Allah, such as the Jews, Christians and others. For verily, this issue is of enormous importance. it is narrarated from him (Sall Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) that he said:
“Verily Allah gives respite to an oppressor  until the time that he seizes him, then he does not allow him to escape.”

He then read the Most High’s words:
 سُوۡرَةُ هُود
وَكَذَٲلِكَ أَخۡذُ رَبِّكَ إِذَآ أَخَذَ ٱلۡقُرَىٰ وَهِىَ ظَـٰلِمَةٌ‌ۚ إِنَّ أَخۡذَهُ ۥۤ أَلِيمٌ۬ شَدِيدٌ (١٠٢)

{Such is the grip of your Lord when He grips the towns while they are doing wrong. Verily, His grip is painful and severe.}  [Hood:102]. Those propagators of Islam who call to the unveiling of women’s faces and free mixing of the sexes are upon clear misguidance and immense ignorance, for they are at variance with the guidance of Allah and His messenger. They are ignorant or play ignorant to what has happened to those nations that have been afflicted with these issues. They seek escapement from this disaster, but how is that possible for them when they take such a stance? It has become a habit that will not be changed except with a huge effort. Allah is the helper.
Source:[By: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al Uthaymeen|Islamic Fatawaa Regarding the Muslim Child pg.152, |Fataawa Manaar al-Islaam: 3/809]

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fataawa on Kids' Cartoons and Dolls


Shaykh Abu Usaamah Wasiullaah ‘Abbaas حفظه الله تعالى
Introduction to the Shaykh

Shaykh Abu Usaamah Wasiullaah ‘Abbaas حفظه الله تعالى is a well-known scholar from Makkah. He is a teacher at Masjidul-Haram and a professor at Ummul-Quraa University. He is a regular lecturer at and an OIC (Online Intensive Courses) teacher where he teaches the Fiqh class every third Saturday (of the month) when he explains ad-Durrar al-Bahiyyah.

These fataawa are from the Q&A after the Shaykh's lecture:

Question: Is it permissible to let children watch Arabic cartoons for teaching purpose?

Answer: Regarding the children watching cartoons for teaching purposes as mentioned in the question i.e. as a form of educating the children, then Inshaa’Allaah there is nothing wrong with this. Perhaps allowing the children to watch cartoons for educational purposes may be a breath of fresh air for the children and also a breath of fresh air for the parent. It may give them some time to enjoy themselves and time to play apart from the normal ways of teaching. This is if it was as mentioned in the question i.e. if it is used for educational purpose.

    However, you find that there are certain cartoons which teach children how to steal and how to kill and there are cartoons which have no benefit in them; these types are those which the parent should keep their children away from as this is nurturing which is not beneficial. Rather, it will corrupt the children, and it is incumbent upon the parent to keep their children away from these types of cartoons. As for the cartoons that the children can benefit from as a form of teaching and educational tool then Inshaa’Allaah there is nothing wrong with this.

Question: Is it permissible for little girls to play with baby dolls? Some parents say that these are images or could be used as idols. This is what is commonly mentioned in America in relation to these types of toys such as the Barbie dolls, and here in Saudi Arabia they have what is called the Fula dolls which could probably be better because she is a Muslim, she has a khimaar, a jilbaab and everything else. However, the point is that some parents remove the head from the doll and then give it to the child, making it undesirable for the child to play with as the child doesn’t want to play with a doll without a head. Is this type of doll to be looked at as an idol or an image or something that is impermissible for the children to play with?

Answer: If this toy or doll is the type of doll which is magnified or glorified like ‘China dolls’ or dolls which the child is not allowed to touch – perhaps it is made from wood or glass or it is placed in a particular box or something like that, then this is something that is prohibited. This is what is prohibited.

    As for the baby doll that is in the form of a girl or a boy or like this, and it is something that the child plays with and which the child throws around; something that you may find lying on the ground and the child picks it up and plays with it; then there is nothing wrong with this. `A’ishah رضي الله عنها had a toy horse with two wings which she used to play with; the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم acknowledged this and he never stopped her from playing with it. This is not the type of image/form which is prohibited in Islaam. The image/form that is prohibited is the one that is magnified or glorified and the one that no one should touch or play with. It may be in the form of a man or woman or like this. As for the toy that the child plays with, there is nothing wrong with it; it is not haraam because it is for children.

    The Shaykh حفظه الله added to this, that the legislation of Islaam has prohibited taking dogs as pets and has prohibited pigs from being eaten or taken as pets as it is itself something that is najis (impure). Due to this, it is not permissible to play with toys in the image/form of a pig, a dog or anything that the legislation of Islaam has prohibited. This is not appropriate. However, if it is in the form of a lion, a camel or any animal which Islaam has not prohibited then this is okay.

Source:Taken From the transcribed lecture:
As-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah
by Shaykh Wasiullaah 'Abbaas حفظه الله
Delivered on January 30th, 2007

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